Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Daddy Daughter Talk

This morning I wanted to have a heart to heart talk with Abbey. Dianna and I have been very concerned about how difficult it is here for Abbey to play with her friends. Unlike home, she can't just run out the door and go over to a friend's house. Anytime she wants to play with a friend we have to call parents and make arrangements then take what can be as long as a half hour trip through Doha traffic. It is important for little girls to have best friends.

Using my best caring-parent-voice I asked Abbey to come sit on the chair facing me so we could talk. I assumed that by inviting her this way she would know that I wanted to have a special and meaningful talk. She hopped up on the chair and said, "Yeah, bro?" This really set the tone for our little talk. I poured my heart out telling her how concerned I was about the friend situation. I told her how important I thought it was for little girls to have a best friend. I explained that if she was having difficulty with this that would be reason enough for us not return to Doha next year. I was very sincere and caring and half expected a very emotional response from her - maybe even some tears. She looked at me and said, "I want to come back next year."

Abbey's social development was one of the top considerations in our decision to come here. We felt very good about her ability to make friends and be socially well-adjusted. That has proven to be very true. She has made a lot of friends at school. She has a lot of fun playing with them there.

I'll try not to worry about her so much any more. It is a blessing to have children to worry about.


Kristy said...

Heehee! Bro! That's good.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing your life with us! It is so interesting! Sandi just called and I said, oh no, look what I just read on Brett's blog. They might stay another year!!! I mean we all know it's a possibility and has been, but we do love and miss you guys. Yet what incredible, amazing experiences you are having! WOW!!!! Loved all the pictures in the next blog. Incredible!!!! Seriously, this is so amazing. Thank you for sharing!!!


Benjamin said...

Wow, sounds like Abbey is adjusting really well to life in the middle east. I'm so proud of her, and I'm so proud of how well you guys are all doing out there! Keep up the blogging Dad!

Jan.lyons said...

Yeah, Bro!, aren't children resilient!!!

Richardson Five said...

thanks for cmmenting on my blog how is it going it's graet here and cold.london